CuboctahinxA megaminx transformed into the shape of cuboctahedron. A transformation solely made to fill an empty slot.
Curvy CuboctaminxA face turning truncated octahedron. A hybrid combining two different axis systems.
DaYan Gem 10Looks like Gem I but has a hybrid axis system with one additional type of turn.
DaYan Gem 9An edge turning hexahedron in shape of a truncated octahedron and a 3x3 pattern on the square sides.
DaYan Gem IAn edge turning hexahedron transformed into the shape of a truncated octahedron which is an archimedean solid.
DaYan Gem IVThe first mass produced face turning octahedron with three cuts per axis although it does not have the octahedrons shape.
DaYan Gem VA mass produced F-Skewb in shape of a biscribed truncated octahedron.
DaYan JewelMass produced remake of the original Magic Jewel.
Dual Diogo's CrystalA nine-corner fourteen-sided turning solid, using a geometry developed by Diogo Sousa.