Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Jumbling only axis system (face turning pentagonal dipyramid)
Collider-10A face-turning pentagonal dipyramid with curved cuts.
Collider-10 UnbandagedAn unbandaged version of the Collider-10 with additional soted cuts.
Dino PentA corner turning pentagonal prism. The perpendicular axis allows moves too.

Fang-10An edge turning pentagonal dipyramid. A puzzle that allows only jumbling turns.
Fat Pentum (Face Turning Pentagonal Bifrustum)A Pentagonal Bifrustum, which allows faceturns on all of its twelve sides. It is a jumbling-only puzzle.
Fractured MadnessA face turning pentagonal dipyramid. It allows only jumbling turns.

Helicopter Pent PrismA shape variant of the Rex Pent Prism.
Infernal TrinketThe easiest face turning pentagonal dipyramid, yet implemented.
Jumble StarCorner turning pentonal prism. A jumbling-only puzzle.

JumblixA puzzle with the axis system of a face turning pentagonal dipyramid. Ten of 12 possible moves only jumbling.
Magic RockThe pentagonal cousion of the Mystic Stone. A jumbling only puzzle.
Master Rex HeptahedronA corner turning pentagonal prism designed to be a puzzle with a multi-origin-core.

Mini Dino Pent PrismA smaller and more minimalistic version of Rex Pent Prism.
Minimal DecaThree extremely similar looking puzzles with completely different geometries, all bassed on a deep cut face turning pentagonal dipyramid.
Pentacopter 10The pentagonal cousin of the Hexacopter 12.

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