Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Axis HouseThe concept of the 3x3x3 house but applied to an axis cube
Bump 3x3x5A 3x3x5 bumped and while doing so changing its shape into a cube.
Bump 4x4x4 TwistThe concepts of Twiste 4x4x4 and bump cube combined into one shape variant.

Bump Cube 9x9x9This is a shape modification of a 9x9x9 cube that implements the same concept as the Mirror Blocks (aka Bump Cube).
Catrina 2x2x2A 2x2x2 redesigned as a mexican Catrina.
Fisher 2x4x4A fishered 2x4x4.

Fisher Mirror Cube IIA fully bumped Fisher Cube with really unequal cut patterns.
Flower Cube GhostThe Flower kube reimplemented as a Ghost variant.
Flower MirrorThe bumped variant of the Flower kube.

Gears MirrorThe Gear Cube combined with the concept of the Bump Cube
Marshmallow TwistA cylindrical 3x3x3 with twisted shape and with top and bottom faces bent to each other.
Marvin 2x2x2A 2x2x2 designed after Marvin the Martian but with skewed cuts.

Masterpyraminx mirrorA bumped version of the Master Pyraminx.
MastertubixA higher order version of Cubix Tube.
Mini 5x5x5 (truncated)A mass produced 5x5x5 truncated on all five sides so that it ends up with a strange face pattern.

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