Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

3x3x3 PerladoThis 3x3x3 has no stickers but resin cubes containing pearls inside.
3x3x3 Pirámide truncadaA 3x3x3 was transformed into the shape of a quadrangular pyramid but with the tip cut off.
3x3x3 PokeroThis 3x3x3 has glued resin pieces with the symbols of the poker cards.

3x3x3 PolacoThis 3x3x3 has no stickers but resin pieces glued with Polish flower embroidery patterns.
3x3x3 RocketA 3x3x3 in shape of a rocket including a fitting base.
3x3x3 SalvajeA 3x3x3 covered with 9126 pieces of synthetic resin creating six drawings of wild animals.

3x3x3 SexyThis 3x3x3 has resin pieces glued instead of sticker, with sexy leopard skin motifs.
3x3x3 SinceroA 3x3x3 covered with transparent coloured crystals instead of stickers.
3x3x3 SliceA 3x3x3 in the shape of a slice

3x3x3 SuspirosThis 3x3x3 has resin pieces glued instead of stickers, in the shape of meringue cakes called sighs.
3x3x3 Teclado InvisibleThis 3x3x3 ist covered with glued pc keys, coloured but without characters.
3x3x3 TeseladoA custom sticker scheme dividing each sticker into pieces with equal shapes, some very cool and interesting patterns to solve come out.

3x3x3 TeselicoThis pattern is similar to the 3x3 Tesalado, but used on the entire face of the cube, with metallic stickers.
3x3x3 TesoroThis 3x3x3 has glued resin pieces imitating pearls and diamonds.
3x3x3 Tiburon 3DA cube with tiles depicting two marine species in 3D.

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