Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Chromium octahedron3D printed extension glued onto a Chromium Cube
Circle PyramorphixA variant of the pyramorphix plus a set of corner turns.
Circle Pyramorphix PlusA variant of the pyramorphix plus a set of corner turns.

Circle Rex CubeA shape transformed variant of the Raptor Cube which is itelf a Rex cube plus corners of the Compy Cube.
Circle Skewb DiamondA Skewb Diamond with circles in four (!) sides.
Circus PuzzleA combination of the shapes of Hexagonal dipyramid and Twister cube.

Circus SkewbA Fisher Skewb with pieces swapped to look like a twister cube.
CitadelA 3x3x3 modelled after a medieval castle.
Citadel 2 - Dragon AttackA 3x3x3 in shape of a castle and painted with a classic fantasy scenario.

Clover ChopA puzzle with hybrid axis system which available turns are reduced to those available on one side.
Clover Cube ExtremeA Shell Cube the inventor enhanced with another axis system, making in a triple hybrid.
Clover CuboctahedronA Clover Cube in shape of a cuboctahedron, an archimedean solid.

Clover Cuboctahedron (jumbling only)The concept of the Trifurcation cube applied to an cuboctahedron without unbandaging.
Clover Dino CubeA Dino Cube with plastic plates attached to make it look like Clover Cube.
Clover FloppyA Floppy Cube which cutting pattern looks like the top or bottom of a Clover Cube.

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