Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

3x4x4 Barrel Floppy I-cubeA 3x4x4 Floppy I-cube shape transformed into a barrel.
3x4x4 Camouflage BarrelA 3x4x4 Camouflage puzzle transformed to have cylindrical shape.
3x4x4 Morphix Floppy I-cubeA 4x4x4 bandaged and transformed into tetrahedral shape.

3x4x5 Floppy I-cube ExtremeA bandaged 5x5x5 with three layers removed on two sides.
4x4x4 Round Bead Ball Magic CubeLooks like a higher order version of the Wellness cube but uses hard plastic.
4x4x4 Spiral CubeA 4x4x4 shaped to resemble a spiral. All four layers are different.

4x4x6 Fisher CuboidThe mass produced 4x4x6 fishered (twisted 45� inside its solid) and again mass produced.
4x5x6 Floppy I-Cube ExtremeA bandaged 6x6x6 with three layers removed on two sides.
4x6x6 Super TabletA 6x6x6 bandaged, extended and restickered.

4x8x8A pillowed 4x8x8. Made by hand from a 8x8x8.
5x5x5 EggA 5x5x5 modified into the shape of an egg.
6.5 Axis CubeA mixture of cubic 3x3x5 and cubic 3x3x7 turned into a pattern and modified back into cubic shape.

7x7x7 Ball in a cubeA 7x7x7 almost truncated into the shape of a sphere.
7x7x7 IcosahedronA straightforward shape transformation.
AI XenomorphixA 4x4x4 bandaged like an AI cube and transformed into tetrahedral shape.

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