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Search Results: "kite"
Master Skewb KiteA corner turning rhombic dodecahedron made from a Master Skewb.
Mini 2x2x2 Kite cube - TrendyA simple modification of a 2x2x2 done by extending the pieces to look like a kite.
Mixup KitesA Mixup Cube shape transformed into a deltoidal icositetrahedron which is a catalan solid.

Paladin cubeCould also be named curved deltoidal hexahedron.
PropelloA corner turning Propello Tetrahedron.
Quirky Gem IIA 1x2x2 that allows 60�-turns and eight additional rotations that sometimes jumble and sometimes not.

Real kite cubeA 3x3x3 truncated on two sides into a prism with a kite-shape as base.
Rhombic DodecahedronBuilt on a Skewb mechanism by Tony Fisher.

Slice BiaxeThe Biaxe with an additional slice turn.
Super LooperThree circles on one line, each allowing 180� turns with deeper intersections.
TraheptrixA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and heptagonal pieces.

TridecalisA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and decagonal pieces.
Truncated Skewb KiteA Rhombic Dodecahedron Skewb (aka skewb kite) truncated into the shape of a chamfered cube.
Twisty RingA hollow puzzle with fourteen kite-like shapes. A puzzle inspired by vertices of the heptagonal antiprism.

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