Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Other Shapes: Star
DitetraminxA megaminx redesigned to have the shape of a stellated octahedron.
DodecadodecahedronA skewb in shape of the namegiving solid. Printed in all metals shapeways offers.
Dodecadodecahedron SkewbA skewb in the shape of he namegiving solid.

Dogic with tetrahedral extensionsA newly printed Dogic with small tetrahedrons glued on ever central triangular piece.
Drilled Truncated DodecahedronA skewb with 3D printed extensions to give it the shape of the name giving solid.
Dual HelicoptrahedronA Helicopter Cube truncated into the shape of a stellated octahedron.

Dueling TetraA 3x3x3 in shape of a stellated tetrahedron.
Enemy MineA spiky piece swap between face turning octahedron and Rex Cube.
Escher's Flower Copter plusThe flower copter plus transformed into the shape of Escher's solid.

Escher's flower copterThe Flower Copter transformed into the shape of Escher's solid
Eschers solid SkewbA skewb in the shape of an Eschers solid.
Excavated CrystalAn edge only Pyraminx Crystal in shape of the third stellation of the icosahedron.

First stellation of icosahedronA skewb in the namegiving shape.
Flat starCreated by shuffling the pieces between two pyramorphix's.
Flower PickA combination of a shape variant and a sticker mod.

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