Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Earth IcosidodecahedronA deep cut face turning icosidodecahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth OctahedronA corner turning octahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth RhombicuboctahedronA face turning rhombicuboctahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.

Earth rhombic dodecahedronA deep cut face turning rhombic dodecahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth tetrahedron4 pieces tetrahedral puzzle with a sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth tetrakis hexahedronA deep cut edge turning tetrakis hexahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.

Edge Gear CubeA 2x2x2 with gears on 8 edges.
Edge Gear OctahedronA skewb diamond with gears on six edges.
Edge Turning Rhombic DodecahedronThe face turning deltoidal Icositetrahedron transformed into the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.

Edge Turning Rhombic Dodecahedron V2Redesigned to incorporate an additional piece type.
Edge of Infinity UnbandagedA partially unbandaged version of the Edge of Infinity.
Edge of InsanityA jumbling-only puzzle based on the triangular dipyramid geometry.

Edge of insanity TallEdge of Insanity redesigned to create a taller puzzle.
Edgy SkewbA Skewb with additional edge turns that can be utilized when the skewb is in midturn and when not.
Edgy Skewb PlusThe Edgy Skewb with an additional set of stored cuts.

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