Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Combo CurFaTRhoDoA hybrid puzzle with two axis systems in the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.
Combo CurFaTRhoTriA hybrid puzzle with two axis systems in the shape of a rhombic triacontahedron.
ComboCopter PlusA Curvy Copter Plus combined with a 2x2x2.

ComboctahedronA hybrid puzzle. It looks like the face turning octahedron and the magic octahedron but allows the moves from both puzzles.
Compass CubeA strangely bandaged 3x3x3. It unintentionally is the first physical implementation of something very close to the imaginary pieces.
Compino SkewbA hybrid of a Curvy Compino and a Skewb, a corner turning cube.

Complex 3x3x3An implementation of a 8-years-old dream. A 3x3x3 with six additional pieces types known before only through geometry.
Compound CrystalA non-shape-shifting puzzle with a highly unusual axis system.
Compound FractureCompound Fracture is a new puzzle based on the geometry of the Fracture-10, altered to allow 45° turns along 4 axes.

Compound HelicopterWith many aspects this is a helicopter cube or a curvy Copter. The axis system is the same as the number of cuts but the cutting depths are different.
Compound HexagonThe hexagonal predecessor of the Quadrangle.
Compound SkewbA hybrid puzzle in shape of a cross cube.

Compy SkewbA corner turning hexahedron with four (no more!) logical layers.
Compy morningstar V2A corner turning hexahedron with 60° turns on four corners. In shape of Escher's solid.
Concentric CubeThree 2x2x2's in one puzzle. Some of their corners are fused to each other.

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