Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Jumbling only axis system (face turning pentagonal dipyramid)
Pentacopter 10DAn edge turning pentagonal prism with slices that intersect at the centers of the pentagonal faces.
Pentacopter PlusA face turning pentagonal dipyramid in shape of a dodecahedron.
PentexAn edge turning pentagonal prism. A jumbling-only puzzle.

Rex FlowerA corner turning pentagonal prism with cuts one the square faces resembling a Rex Cube.
Rex HeptahedronCorner turning pentonal prism with somewhat different piece types. A jumbling-only puzzle.
Rex Pent PrismCorner turning pentagonal prism. A jumbling only puzzle.

Shadow DodecahedronThe jumbling-only axis system of a face turning pentagonal dipyramid implemented inside of a dodecahedron.

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