Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Intersecting circles
Geranium EclipseA Pocket Geranium with an additional circle.
Geranium PlusGeranium with split pieces.
Geranium VA cousin to the original Geranium.

Geranium WA bigger version of Geranium with twentyone circles in a flower-like pattern.
GienahRashkey 3 (and 2!) in a puzzle with 120° turns.
Gienah 2The Gineah with different cutting depths.

Gienah olympicGienah extended to five circles.
Gienah2 tripleGienah2 extended with an additional third circle.
Gienah2 triple unbandagedGienah2 triple with some additional cuts.

GigaHexA Master version of the Twin Spin
GigaQuadThe master cousin of Rashkey.
Gizmo GearsA puzzle with two intersecting circles and bandaged pieces. Produced in low quantity in four different variants.

HadarThree intersecting circles that return with steps of 2, 5 and 6 but still being doctrinaire.
Handy Mad TriadTwist the fingertips to rotate the four overlapping discs of wedges.
Hex ShaperThree intersecting circles which do NOT make up a planar surface.

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