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Helicopter Cube
Helicopter PyramidA Helicopter Cube heavily truncated and slightly extended into the shape of a triangular pyramid.
Helicopter TwistA Helicopter Cube cut down into a spiral like shape resembling the Twist Cubes.
Helicopter tetrahedronA Helicopter Cube truncated on four corners into a rounded tetrahedron like shape.

HelicosahedronA Helicopter Cube truncated into the shape of an icosahedron.
Helic�ptero MirrorA Helicopter cube with the concept of the bump (aka: Mirror) cube
Heritombo CubeA shallower cut variant of the Helicopter Cube with straight cuts that reveals the edge centers and face centers.

Mezon HelicopterA Helicopter Cube jumbled into the Mezon state and modified back into the shape of a cube.
Odd Helicopter CuboctahedronA Helicopter Cube with heavily truncated corners. This gives the puzzle new abilities to move.
Rosa DavuricaA Helicopter with triangles glued onto the triangular pieces.

Super Helicopter CubeA Super Helicopter Cube. The stickers are handmade in the well-known style created by Stefan Pochmann.
Super Truncated Helicopter CubeA Helicopter Cube truncated and stickered to be a super variant.
Truncated Helicopter CubeA Helicopter Cube truncated into a shape resembling a Cubohemioctahedron.

Ultimate Helicopter CubeAn Ultimate Helicopter Cube. The stickers are handmade in the style used first for the Ultimate Cube.
Vertex turning cuboctahedronA Helicopter Cube truncated into the shape of cuboctahedron.

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