Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Ern? Rubik
Cube Magique (Magic Square)French for "Magic Cube".
Cube PuzzleCloned 3x3x3 from the original cube craze.

Cube Puzzle Key Rings (28 mm)Another knock-off from the original cube craze.
CubedThe Puzzle of us all - english edition

Cubed - 魔方之谜The Puzzle of us all - Chinese edition
Cubic CubeA 3x3x3 sold in japan, presumably during the cube craze.
Cubik PuzzleJapanese version of the 2x2x2 in a plastic come typical for the original cube craze.

Cubo DiabolicoSeems to be a copy from the original cube craze. The case looks like those ITC sold back then.
Cubo MagicoItalian cube advertising a world championship in Montecarlo on 30th september 1982.
Cubo Rubik's3x3x3 from 2014 by Hasbro, produced for the spanish market. Utilizes a pagoda style mechanism.

Culebra PilenPossibly another clone of Rubik's Snake. This time from Spain.
Cupe6GamaA japanese 3x3x3 of unknown origin.
DC Comics DominoHas Superman on one side and Wonder Woman on the other.

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