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Eight-Sided: Octahedron
Flat Octahedron (Sharp Edges 5052828000)A 3x3x3 truncated on eight edges and afterwards extended. The result has a shape of an non-regular octahedron.
Flower copter octahedronA shape variant of the Flower Copter, a puzzle with hybrid axis system.
Flower copter octahedron plusThe Flower Copter Plus redesigned into the shape of an octahedron.

Fractured Curvy Copter Octahedron IIIThe Fractured Curvy Copter III in shape of an octahedron. Third in a series of five.
Fractured Curvy Copter Octahedron III PlusThe Fractured Curvy Copter III Plus 2 in shape of an octahedron. Fourth in a series of five.
Fractured Curvy Copter Octahedron III Plus 2The Fractured Curvy Copter III Plus 2 in shape of an octahedron. Fifth in a series of five.

Fractured DiamondThe Krystian's Skewb (aka Master Skewb Mixup) transformed into an octahedron.
Gear Corner Turning OctahedronGeared version of a Magic Octahedron.
Gear OctahedronA shape transformation of the Gear Skewb. It is an octahedral Master Skewb with gears.

Gear Octahedron (shape variant)A mass produced shape variant of the Gear Cube.
Ghost 2x2x2 OctahedronA ghosted 2x2x2 in shape of an octahedron.
Ghost 2x2x3A 2x2x3 in shape of an octahedron and ghosted.

Ghost 2x3x3 OctahedronA 2x3x3 transformed into an octahedron and "ghosted" along the way.
Ghost OctahedronThe immediate follow-up of the Axis octahedron. After axising a face turning octahedron he ghosted it.
Ghost Octahedron (2x2x2)A octahedral 2x2x2 twisted inside the solid so that no two pieces have the same shape.

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