Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Preserving)
Deep SkewbA reimplemented void skewb which makes visible its core which is connected to the red square.
Deep Uniaxial 3x3x3Not a bandaged 5x5x5 but a 3x3x3 with strangely displaced cuts.
Delta 3x3x3A simplified version of the Pentacle Cube.

Dial DinoA Dino Cube with twelve gears turned by one halve of the turns.
Dice SkewbA Skewb stripped from stickers and restickered with a dice-based scheme.
Dino 3x3x3A hybrid of 3x3x3 and Dino cube.

Dino Chop Cube (magnets)A hybrid puzzle which fuses 2x2x2, Little Chop and the Dino Cube into one puzzle. The pieces are "connected" with magnets to the internal steelball.
Dino Cube (paper prototype)The most basic corner turning hexahedron. The earliest known version, made from paper.
Dino EyeA Dino Cube with four turns that look like a Rex Illusion Cube. A non-bandaged puzzle.

Dino Eye II (Open-eye)The Dino Eye with pieces seemingly split up.
Dino Eye NazaríDino Eye Nazarí = Nazarí Skewb + 4 Dino cuts
Dino GyroidA Dino Cube covered with Gyroid pieces

Dino Keychain CubeA small stickerless Dino Cube with a band attached.
Dino SkewbA puzzle which allows the moves of a Dino Cube and a Skewb.
Dino Square-1A Square-1 further bandaged with a stickering scheme resembling the four coloured Dino Cube.

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