Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Changing)
Even Less GearsA Gear Cube with eight geared edges replaced with four non-geared edges.
Event HorizonA Square-1 in midturn transformed into a piece of art.
Eye of HorusA hybrid puzzle that combines the cuts of a Radio Cube 3 and the Cubeultimate.

Fax CubeThe Fisher Axis Cube implemented on the basis of a Skewb.
Faxis CubePut together from two mass produced cubes.
Fibik's CubeA Cutter Cube with parts looking like those from the Bermuda Cube.

Fish SkewbA skewb modified like a Windmill cube.
Fisher 2A bandaged Fisher cube.
Fisher 2 solutionsA Fisher Cube with holes on the outer shell and two solutions.

Fisher 2x4x4 IIA Fisher 4x4x4 bandaged like a 2x4x4 perpendicular to the main axis.
Fisher 3Q3SA fishered variant of the bandaged 3x3x3 on which the Pocket Cube is based.
Fisher 3x3x7A cubic 3x3x7 turned into a pattern and "fisher"ed.

Fisher AI 4x4x4A Fisher 4x4x4 bandaged like the AI Cube.
Fisher AI V2A combination of the Fisher 4x4x4 with highly symmetric bandaging pattern.
Fisher Axis CubeA Fisher Cube with a tilted axis.

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